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How carry out a statement and a fence cash register ?

There are two different ways to close cashe. The automatic mode which considers that the sum in cashe always corresponds to the information present in the ticketing and the manual mode where the cashier enters the amount he has in cashthis amount is then compared to the view that the system a of the cashe.

You can choose the cash desk closing mode from the cash desk management in Kronos (cf. section 7. of this document).

Modes of close a cash

Closing of the cashe automatic

Manual closing of the cash

To closing the cash, simply to go on Cashier’s statement then on Close the cash

At the time of the closing of cash 3 cases of figures can appear :



1er case : The case is right

* The cashier can leave any comment.

* The cashier has the ability to take money out of the cash register.







2 ème case : there is more than planned in the cashe


* The cashier may leave a comment to explain the cashier’s error in the box provided

* As before, the cashier to the possibility of taking the money out of the fund.







3 ème case : there is less than expected in the cash

* The cashier may leave a comment to explain the cashier’s error in the box provided

* As before, the cashier to the possibility of taking the money out of the fund.

Once the closing of the cash register is completed, a summary ticket is printed. Pour imprimer a posteriori a cashier’s statement refer to the section 8. of this document.

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