Management of ticket types

The price listsand ticket types are managed through the management interface Kronos.

If additional rules need to be implemented on your events, you can let us know so that we can take them into account when importing the events.

These price lists and the events to which thetypes of tickets give access depends on the programming tool you are using :

  • If you use Kronos for your programmingThe choice of the fee schedule to be applied to an event can be made directly at the time of programming.Refer to the documentTicketack – Programming – Kronos.pdf for more information.

  • If you use Eventival for your programmingThe choice of eligible subscriptions for a session and the choice of the price scale to be applied to a session can be made directly from Eventival when programming the event. Refer to the document Ticketack – Programmation – Eventival.pdffor more information.

  • If you use another tool, the application of tariff gridsand other rules on types of tickets can either be done according to import rules or specified from your tool.

Ownership of rates

Basic information

  • N ame The name of the fare in each of the activated languages will appear on the point-of-sale interface and/or your website or the ticketing service’s website; it is advisable to choose a short and explicit name, avoiding unnecessary words if possible (e.g. “Students” instead of “Student fare”, “20 years old, 20 francs” instead of “20 years old, 20 francs card”)

  • Description : the description of the tariff, in each of the activated languages, can be presented to the customers who make their purchase online. It is also possible to use this description in the layout of the ticket.

  • E ligibility : indicate here a short sentence for the personnel who scan the tickets at the entrances only for the tariffs which require a document of legitimation (student card for example).

  • Price : The price is the amount charged to the buyer.

  • Value : the value is the book value of this fare from a ticketing perspective. In general the value is equal to the price.
    If you receive money from a third party in addition to the price when you sell this fare (subsidy for example); in this case indicate a value equal to the price + the subsidy received, the system will then automatically calculate the amounts to claim.
    On the contrary, if you have to pay a part of the price to a third party (commission to a third party for example), indicate a value lower than the price. Finally, if the fare represents a ticket that has been paid in advance using another system – or on the contrary that will be paid later, for example by invoice – then indicate a price of 0 and a value corresponding to the amount collected on the other system.

  • TVA

  • Value per event : In the case of subscriptions or other types of tickets for several events, you can break down the value to be assigned per event here. For example, in the case of a card with 10 entries at 100 CHF, you could decide to assign 10 CHF to each reservation. TODO : this property is not yet modifiable from Kronos]

  • Category : in the case of numbered places, the category of a fare must correspond to the category of seats for which that fare is available.

Display :

  • Ordre : integer that defines the order of the tariff, the larger the integer the more the tariff will appear “last”.

  • Classe CSS : allows you to specify a CSS class in order to give a particular visual style to a price list using your custom style sheet (this style can be different on the point of sale, the eshop or the mobile application).

Rules :

  • Valid from : start date of the tariff [TODO: this is not yet taken into account].

  • Valid until : end date of the tariff validity [TODO: this is not yet taken into account].

  • Roles : indicate here a list of user roles that have the right to sell tickets at this rate. The default roles available are as follows :
    admin : the whole of directors
    eshop : your website, ticketing site and mobile application if available
    on-site : your employees at the points of sale during the event
    partner : external partners (tourist office, partner stores, etc.)
    accred : the whole of users who have this role (usually the accreditation office).

    Note: if no role is selected, the tariff will be disabled.

    Note: To select multiple roles, hold down the Ctrl key.

  • Limit this rate to the following ticket types :here you have the possibility to show this rate only for people who are connected with a type of ticket (subscription, accreditation, etc.) specific.

  • Prohibit this rate for the following ticket types:conversely, you can define here that if a person is logged in with a specific type of ticket, he/she should not see this rate.

Properties of ticket types

Each ticket type has the following properties:

Background information :

  • Name : the name of the ticket type in each of the activated languages, this name will appear on the point of sale interface and/or your website or ticketing site.

  • Identifier : it is an internal identifier of this type of subscriptionIt will be entered by the Ticketack team and you don’t need to worry about it.

  • Description : the description of the type of ticket, in each of the activated languages, can be presented to the customers who make their purchase online. It is also possible to resume this description in the ticket layout.

One or more rateswhose properties are described in the previous section («Properties of the tariffs»). If no fare is defined or authorized, then this type of ticket will not be available for sale.

Uone or more rules whose properties are described below :

  • Session ID : a session identifier Ticketack (this field will usually be empty because the eligibility of a ticket type for a session is usually managed with the Buckets .

— OR / AND —

  • Durée : a duration in ISO 8601 format, for example P1Y means thatthis rule is valid for one year from the date of creation.

— OR —

  • Du/Au : indicates the beginning and end of the validity of the rule.


  • N umber of reservations : matches is the maximum number of sessions the buyer can book for this rule.

  • For the same event: corresponds to the number :allows indicate the number of times you can book the same session framework this rule.

  • Overlap rule : Here you can define whether it is possible to book two events that overlap or are close to each other. The system makes it possible to prohibit, for example, the booking of two partially overlapping sessions or to prohibit the booking of a session that starts less than a certain number of minutes after the end of another session. Overlap is defined in ISO 8601 format, e.g. PT0M means that the end of a session cannot overlap at all with the beginning of another within that rule. If you leave the field blank then it will be possible to book multiple overlapping sessions if the rest of the rule definition allows it. If you indicate PT10M then the start of a session take place at minimum 10 minutes after the end of another session booked within this rule. Finally if you indicate -PT15M, then it is authorized to book a session that starts up to 15 minutes before the end of the previously booked session within this rule.

  • Option « same day » : if you check this box, all reservations in the subscription must be for events taking place on the same day. This option is mainly used for day passes without a fixed date.

    Warning : if you have events after midnight, this option may behave undesirably, please contact us to establish the best course of action in this case.

Champs :

You can define for each type of ticket optional and mandatory fields In addition to a rule that applies by default regardless of the point of sale, you can define specific rules for each point of sale (for example to ask for more information in the sales process on the website than on the points of sale or so that users of certain points of sale do not necessarily have to enter all the information that you usually request).

These fields can be chosen among : firstname, lastname, address, zip, city, country, photo, age, birthdate, gender, phone, cellphone, email (allows including the system to send an optional notification of reservation modification).

Warning : take into account the time needed to the entry of information by your cashiers and cashiers in your choice data to be collected.

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